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DAO Factory - Governance and proposals plugin for your token for WordPress - 1 DAO Factory - Governance and proposals plugin for your token for WordPress - 2

  1. Features - Metamask supported
    - “Create proposal” form
    - “Vote for proposal”
    - “List of votes”
    - Your stakeholders can create proposals and vote for free (without paying for gas)
    - All proposals have Voting Period (specified and adjusted by creator or tokenHolders) it could be specified by creator or by token holders through proposal.
    - We use snapshot.org API
    - ERC20, BEP20, and other EVM blockchains are supported

  2. For whom:
    - Community Collectives
    - Developer Collectives
    - Worker Collectives
    - Art Collectives
    - Social Media
    - Metaverses / Virtual Worlds
    - Asset Management
    - Venture Capital
    - Insurance
    - Trust Funds
    - Company / Project Fundraising
    - Fan Ownership
    - Freeholder / Co-Living / Nomad Communities
    - Media / Entertainment
    - Politics
    - light/dark (demo dark https://dao.swaponline.io/ )

    HTML version – https://codecanyon.net/item/dao-widget-governance-and-proposals-for-your-crypto-token/35358807

    How to remove the “powered by” link in the footer?
    Q: Go to WP Admin Panel > Dao Factory > All DAOs and in selected DAO turn on “Hide service link on DAO” checkbox.

    see also
    Crypto Lottery
    NFT Marketplace